Welcome to the honest side of entrepreneurship!
I can help you with the following:
🏆How to structure your own personal finance so you finally get out of debt and into a healthy financial life.
🏆How to be a trader/investor starting from 0 knowledge.
🏆Free entrepreneurial books list with 70+ different books that will elevate your mind.
🏆Entrepreneurial tools list with over 200+ different links for your journey.
Here is why i know i can help you!
👉4 failed startups.
👉Countless hours of meetings that didn´t get me anything at all.
👉1 startup where i got kicked of the board because i traveled to south america to say goodbye to my sick grandmother!?
👉Countless ideas that never made me a single $.
👉Lost a lot of money while learning how to trade since 2017.
👉Tried insane amount of different trading systems just to find out what actually works!
Let me help you become the best version of yourself!